Adding yourself or your band to DJSA’s online database can only increase your success and exposure as a music artist in South Africa. We market you at the same time as marketing ourselves and the success enjoyed by both yourself and DJSA is mutual.
Many of the venues, companies and individuals who might be in need of your unique creative talents might be unaware of what you have to offer or how to make contact with you. DJSA removes that barrier by acting as a “go-between”, both informing our visitors of your talents and making contact with you on their behalf.
We also may recommend you to visitors in need of specific entertainment for their event, entertainment that we feel you are well-suited to provide.
Other Promotional Opportunities
We have, in the past, used a variety of methods to afford our artists greater exposure. Our dedication is to the local music industry and we do everything we can to promote those involved in it.To this end we have:
- Submitted our artists profile pictures for use on television.
- Submitted our artists profile pictures for use in magazines.
- Submitted our artists’ demos to radio stations for airplay.
- Submitted our mobile discos equipment for use in TV adverts
Get Rated
Getting rated on DJSA and being added to our list of rated DJs and bands will further increase you credibility and exposure, making you even more popular and bringing greater success.
Register Now
To become a part of our massive, and growing, online community of South African music artists, simply go to the registration page and fill out the form there. Alternately, if you have any questions, you can contact us.